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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What is Leadership?

"Leaders are people who do the right thing; managers are people who do things right." - Professor Warren G. Bennis

"Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

The word "leadership" can bring a variety of images to mind. For example:

  • An army officer, charging forward to meet the enemy.

  • An explorer, cutting a path through the jungle for the rest of his party to follow.

  • An executive, developing her company's strategy to remain ahead of the competition.
Leaders help themselves and others to do the right things. They set direction, build an inspiring vision, and create something new. Leadership is about mapping out where you need to go to "win" as a team or an organization. Leadership is dynamic, vibrant, and inspiring.

Yet, while leaders set the direction, they must also use management skills to guide their team to the right destination in a smooth and efficient way.

In this article, we'll focus on the process of leadership. In particular, we'll discuss the "transformational leadership" model. This model highlights visionary thinking and bringing about change, instead of management processes that are only designed to maintain current performance.

Leadership means different things to different people around the world, and different things in different situations. For example, it could relate to community leadership, religious leadership, political leadership, and leadership of campaigning groups.

This article focuses on the Western model of individual leadership, and relates to workplace leadership rather than to other types.

Leadership: A Definition

According to the idea of transformational leadership, an effective leader is a person who does the following:
  1. Creates an inspiring vision of the future.

  2. Encourages and motivates people to engage with that vision.

  3. Manages delivery of the vision.

  4. Coaches and builds a team, so that it is more effective at achieving the vision.
To become an effective leader, you need to learn the skills needed to do these things. We'll look at each element in more detail.
  1. Creating an Inspiring Vision of the Future

    In business, a vision is a realistic, convincing and attractive "best case" depiction of where you want to be in the future. With a clear vision, you can provide direction, set priorities, and establish targets, so that you can tell that you've achieved what you wanted to achieve.

    To create a vision, leaders focus on an organization's strengths by using tools such as Porter's Five Forces
    , PEST Analysis
    , USP Analysis
    , Core Competence Analysis
    and SWOT Analysis
    to analyze their current situation. They think about how their industry is likely to evolve, and how their competitors are likely to behave. They look at how they can innovate successfully
    (Club members), and shape their businesses and their strategies to succeed in future marketplaces. And they test their visions with appropriate market research, and by assessing key risks using techniques such as Scenario Analysis
    (Club members).

    Therefore, leadership is proactive - problem solving, looking ahead, and not being satisfied with things as they are.

    Once they have developed their visions, leaders must make them compelling and convincing. A compelling vision
    is one that people can see in their minds, feel, understand, and embrace. As such, effective leaders provide a rich picture of what the future will look like when their visions have been realized. They tell powerful stories, and they explain their visions in ways that everyone can relate to.

    Here, leaders combine the analytical side of vision creation with the passion that comes from emotional engagement and shared values, creating something that is really meaningful to the people being led.

  2. Motivating and Inspiring People

    A compelling vision provides the foundation for leadership. But it's a leader's ability to motivate and inspire people that will help him or her deliver that vision.

    For example, when you start a new project, you will probably have lots of enthusiasm for it, so it's usually easy to support the project's leader at the beginning. However, it can be difficult to find ways to keep the vision alive and inspirational, after the initial enthusiasm fades, especially if the team or organization needs to make significant changes in the way that they do things. Leaders recognize this, and they work hard on an ongoing basis to connect their vision with people's individual needs, goals, and aspirations.

    One of the key ways they do this is through Expectancy Theory
    (Club members). Effective leaders link together two different expectations:

    1. The expectation that hard work leads to good results.

    2. The expectation that good results lead to attractive rewards or incentives.

    This motivates people to work hard to achieve success, because they expect to enjoy rewards - both intrinsic and extrinsic - as a result.

    Other approaches include restating the vision in terms of the benefits it will bring to the team's customers, and taking frequent opportunities to communicate the vision in an attractive and engaging way.

    What's particularly helpful here is where leaders have expert power
    . People admire and believe in these leaders because they are expert in what they do. They have credibility, and they've earned the right to ask people to listen to them, and follow them. This makes it much easier for these leaders to motivate and inspire the people they lead.

    Leaders can also motivate and influence people through their natural charisma and appeal, and through other sources of power
    , such as the power to pay bonuses or assign tasks to people. However, good leaders don't rely on these types of power to motivate and inspire others.

  3. Managing Delivery of the Vision

    This is the area of leadership that relates to management
    (Club members). According to the Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model
    , there is a time to tell, a time to sell, a time to participate, and a time to delegate. Knowing which approach you need to use, and when you need it, is key to effective leadership.

    Leaders must ensure that the work required to deliver the vision is properly managed - either by themselves, or by a dedicated manager or team of managers to whom the leader delegates this responsibility - and they need to ensure that their vision is delivered successfully.

    To do this, team members need performance goals that are linked to the team's overall vision. Our article on Performance Management and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
    (Club members) explains one way of doing this, and our Project Management
    section explains another. And, for day-to-day management of delivering the vision, the Management By Wandering Around
    (Club members) approach will help to ensure that what should happen, really happens.

    Leaders also need to make sure they manage change
    (Club members) effectively. This will ensure that any changes required to deliver the vision are implemented smoothly and thoroughly, with support and full backing from the majority of people affected.

  4. Coaching and Building a Team to Achieve the Vision

    Individual and team development are important activities carried out by transformational leaders. To develop a team, leaders must first understand team dynamics. Several well-established and popular models describe this, such as Belbin's Team Roles
    approach, and Bruce Tuckman's Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing theory

    A leader will then ensure that team members have the necessary skills and abilities to do their job and achieve the vision. They do this by giving and receiving feedback
    (Club members) regularly, and by training and coaching
    people to improve individual and team performance.

    Leadership also includes looking for leadership potential
    (Club members) in others. By developing leadership skills within your team, you create an environment where you can continue success in the long term. And that's a true measure of great leadership.
The words "leader" and "leadership" are often used incorrectly to describe people who are actually "managing." These individuals may be highly skilled, good at their jobs, and valuable to their organizations - but that just makes them excellent managers, not leaders. So, be careful how you use the terms, and don't assume that people with "leader" in their job titles, people who describe themselves as "leaders," or even groups called "leadership teams," are actually leading.

A particular danger in these situations is that people or organizations that are being managed by such an individual or group think they're being led; but they're not. There may actually be no leadership at all, with no one thinking about the medium term future, no one setting a vision, and no one being inspired. This can cause serious problems in the long term.

Key Points

Leadership can be hard to define and it means different things to different people.

In the transformational leadership model, leaders set direction and help themselves and others to do the right thing to move forward. To do this they create an inspiring vision, and then motivate and inspire others to reach that vision. They also manage delivery of the vision, either directly or indirectly, and build and coach their teams to make them ever stronger.

It takes time and hard work to develop the skills needed to be an effective leader. However the returns - whether in terms of physical reward or of personal satisfaction - are enormous. Enjoy the leadership journey!

A Final Note: Just think about how good you'll feel when you've made a real, positive impact in the first three month's of your new role! Often time, surviving those first months successfully is far harder than landing the new job or promotion in the first place. Mind Tools resources and support are a great help, especially during important times like this.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Crude Oil, Selection & use

Crude oil varies widely in appearance and viscosity from field to field. It ranges in color, odor, and in the properties it contains. While crude oil is essentially a hydrocarbon, the differences in properties, especially the variations in molecular structure, mean that a crude is more or less easy to produce, pipeline, and refine. The variations may even influence its suitability for certain products and the quality of those products.

Crudes or crude oil is roughly classified into three groups, according to the nature of the hydrocarbons they contain.

Paraffinic base crude oils: A crude oil containing paraffin wax but very few asphaltic materials. This type of oil is suitable for motor lubricating oil and kerosene. These contain higher molecular weight paraffins which are solid at room temperature, but little or no asphaltic (bituminous) matter. They can produce high-grade lubricating oils.

Asphaltic-Base Crude Oils: Contain large proportions of asphaltic matter, and little or no paraffin. Some are predominantly naphthenes so yield a lubricating oil that is more sensitive to temperature changes than the paraffin-base crudes.

Mixed-Base Crude Oils: The "gray area" between the two types above. Both paraffins and naphthenes are present, as well as aromatic hydrocarbons. Most crudes fit this category.

Crude oil is a complex mixture of many different components. The separation of these components into useable products is known as refining. Refineries must be designed to handle the type of crude oil they are going to process. Crude oil from the Appalachian Basin (Pennsylvania Grade Crude Oil) contains a lot of wax and paraffin. The amounts of gasoline and fuels that are produced or distilled are relatively small, and in some conditions are by-products of the refining process. The lubricating stocks and waxes that are obtained from Pennsylvania Grade Crude oil are the most desired portions. Other crude oil, such as that from Prudhoe Bay in Alaska, contain much less wax and far more fuel. The bottoms or residue left after the distillation are very asphaltic and very good for making road tar and heavy burner fuel.

Pria, please note - which sort of crude source would be used is depend on what products you are intended for. You can not use Pennsylvania grade crude oil for the product intention of diesel, petrol, or methane, ethane, propane, butane requirements.

From the analysis of the crude oil, it can be determined what the basic composition of the crude is and what applications it is best suited for, (API) gravity methodology determines these differences.

The Pennsylvania Grade Crude oil can be broken down into the following basic fractions, or components: Gasoline, Kerosene and Fuel Oil, Gas Oil, Wax Distillate, and Cylinder Stock or Bottoms.

The gasoline fraction is further refined and through a variety of processes is converted into the fuel we power our cars with. Certain portions of the gasoline fraction are removed and others have their chemical structure changed (isomerized). Some impurities are removed (desulfurized), and others have components added to produce the final product (reformulated gasoline).

The kerosene and fuel oil fraction is basically unchanged and used as fuel for the trucking and construction industry. This fraction can also be processed into some of the specialty solvents used in manufacturing.

The gas oil fraction is a heavy, relatively slow burning, non-volatile fuel, or it is frequently used as a light lubricating oil. This fraction can be used either as a fuel or as an oil. If the gas oil fraction is hydroprocesssed, it can be made into white oil (sewing machine oil) or high quality oils for use in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

The wax distillate is a valuable source of lubricating stock and paraffin. By removing the wax or paraffin one of the basic components of lubricant is produced (neutral). Neutrals can be further refined through distillation (fractionation) and hydroprocessing (catalyzation) to produce a series of specialized components used in the manufacture of engine oils, gear lubricants, and greases. The addition of additives to control oxidation, thermal degradation, and viscosity produce the high quality lubricants used today. Paraffins are used in many different aspects of our daily life. They are used not only in candles, but in cosmetics, paper coating, inks, fabrics, and even on our foods.

The Cylinder Stock or Bottoms fraction is what is left over after the crude oil has been put through the distillation tower. The wax portion is removed to create a product called Micro Wax. Micro has a much higher melting point than paraffins and is therefore suitable for a variety of products we use daily, such as a component of many plastics, candy, and in building materials. Many types of candy that would be too soft otherwise, have their form because of the inclusion of micro wax. A Canadian company has even developed a process to form micro wax and polymers into a structural material that does not require maintenance, in essence it is a wax brick. The oil portion of the cylinder stock is further processed to remove the resins. These resins are used to create many different products ranging from high temperature insulations to undercoatings or fuels for ocean going barges. The oil portion of cylinder stock is then a heavy lubricant base stock used in heavy duty gear oil applications and many industrial lubricants.

The refining of crude oil is a complex and involved operation that generate many different components that are the building blocks for virtually every product we use in our daily lives. As you can now see, the products of the refining process are not just limited to the automotive industry, as many people would think, but are important components in almost every modern convenience manufactured today.

Types of Crude Oil accoridng to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. The petroleum industry often characterizes crude oils according to their geographical source, e.g., Alaska North Slope Crude. Oils from different geographical areas have unique properties; they can vary in consistency from a light volatile fluid to a semi-solid. Classification of crude oil types by geographical source is generally not a useful classification scheme for response personnel because they offer little information about general toxicity, physical state, and changes that occur with time and weathering. These characteristics are primary considerations in oil spill response. The classification scheme provided below is more useful in a response scenario.

Class A: Light, Volatile Oils. These oils are highly fluid, often clear, spread rapidly on solid or water surfaces, have a strong odor, a high evaporation rate, and are usually flammable. They penetrate porous surfaces such as dirt and sand, and may be persistent in such a matrix. They do not tend to adhere to surfaces; flushing with water generally removes them. Class A oils may be highly toxic to humans, fish, and other biota. Most refined products and many of the highest quality light crudes can be included in this class.

Class B: Non-Sticky Oils. These oils have a waxy or oily feel. Class B oils are less toxic and adhere more firmly to surfaces than Class A oils, although they can be removed from surfaces by vigorous flushing. As temperatures rise, their tendency to penetrate porous substrates increases and they can be persistent. Evaporation of volatiles may lead to a Class C or D residue. Medium to heavy paraffin-based oils fall into this class.

Class C: Heavy, Sticky Oils. Class C oils are characteristically viscous, sticky or tarry, and brown or black. Flushing with water will not readily remove this material from surfaces, but the oil does not readily penetrate porous surfaces. The density of Class C oils may be near that of water and they often sink. Weathering or evaporation of volatiles may produce solid or tarry Class D oil. Toxicity is low, but wildlife can be smothered or drowned when contaminated. This class includes residual fuel oils and medium to heavy crudes.

Class D: Nonfluid Oils. Class D oils are relatively non-toxic, do not penetrate porous substrates, and are usually black or dark brown in color. When heated, Class D oils may melt and coat surfaces making cleanup very difficult. Residual oils, heavy crude oils, some high paraffin oils, and some weathered oils fall into this class.

These classifications are dynamic for spilled oils; weather conditions and water temperature greatly influence the behavior of oil and refined petroleum products in the environment. For example, as volatiles evaporate from a Class B oil, it may become a Class C oil. If a significant temperature drop occurs (e.g., at night), a Class C oil may solidify and resemble a Class D oil. Upon warming, the Class D oil may revert back to a Class C oil.

A method with pulsed electric or magnetic field to reduce the viscosity of crude oil is developed. Specifically, for paraffin-base crude oil, a magnetic field pulse can effectively reduce its viscosity for several hours, while, for asphalt-base crude oil or mixed-base crude oil, an electric field pulse can do the same. The method does not change the temperature of the crude oil; instead, it temporary aggregates paraffin particles or asphaltene particles inside the crude oil into large ones. This particle aggregation changes the rheological property of the crude oil and leads to the viscosity reduction. While this viscosity reduction is not permanent, it is suitable for many important applications, such as oil transport via deep-water pipelines, since it lasts for several hours and is repeatable.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Professional Resume

Shrikrishna V Puranik
Mobile# +91-8087631202, Email: Shrikrishna.Puranik@gmail.com,
Webpage: http://www.linkedin.com/in/shrikrishnapuranik

Can take assignment leading Business Development, Technology Studies, Developmental activities for Petroleum & Petrochemical Products, QA/QC, QMS, EMS, IMS, Technical Services for Oil & Gas Projects & Product Manufacturing Environment - both in Petroleum & Petrochemicals, bringing the change through quality and performance improvement.


+ An incisive result-oriented professional having over 2 decades of experience in Commissioning, Quality Assurance, Customer Services, Technical Services, ISO Certifications, and Supply Chain Management.
+ Adroit at coordinating the entire product development - including requirement analysis, finalizing specifications, designing, prototype development and testing activities.
+ Significant expertise in carrying out Trend Analysis, Process Capability, Qualitative Assessment as well as Reliability and Validity tests.
+ Adept at preparing Quality Manual, PQP, SOPs, manuals & work instructions for production operations for the unit and maintaining MIS/ reports for facilitating decision making by the management.
+ Demonstrated communication and relationship management skills with the ability to lead and work in cross-functional teams in a cross-cultural environment.
+ Endowed with excellent organizational, analytical and technical skills and demonstrated initiative.
+ Team leader, flexible, detail oriented, self-motivated.


- Project Planning & Management
- Productivity Enhancement
- Production Planning & Control
- Technological Initiatives
- Process Validation
- Lean manufacturing
- Quality Management Systems
- Six Sigma
- Process Improvement
- Industrial Engineering
- Process Efficiency
- Cost Reduction

- Business Development
- Sales & Marketing
- Resource Management
- Market Intelligence
- Material Management
- Organization Restructuring
- Man Management
- Budgeting & Accountability
- Team Leadership & Training


May 2008 to Present: Worked as a Free Lance Advisor, Consultant and Technologist, Expert in QA, QC, QMS, Technical Services for Oil & Gas Project and Manufacturing Locations in India, ME, SE Asia, & NZ.

(a) Bonatti SpA in Saudi Arabia
Jan ’10 to Mar ‘10: Worked as a QA/QC Manager (advising role) for the various Saudi Aramco projects in Eastern Province, some of the projects are up-gradation of flare system at Uthmaniyah & Shedgum Gas Plants, optimize production at Mubarraz, up-grade plants & utilities at Abu Ali, etc. I am responsible for overall leading of project and corporate QA & QC, implementation and improvement of system. Bonatti is two years old in KSA and recently captured another EPC Company named Carlo Gavazzi Arabia and they are in the stage of becoming largest LSTK EPC provider in KSA.

(b) Reliance Petroleum Refinery In India

+ Involved in project studies, initialization, costing, nominating the contractors, vendor selection, land development, engineering, procurement, actual construction, erection and up to pre-commissioning & commissioning, set-up, trials, capacity optimization, Product run on to the final dispatch.
+ Commissioned an only-for-export refinery, a project of 6 Billion US$, in just 36 months at rock-bottom prices to create the world's largest refining hub at Jamnagar in India, capacity is 580,000 barrel a day (29 Million Ton a year) refinery adjacent to its earlier refining facility existing 33 Million Ton per annum refinery. The two units together is a world's largest refining complex with an aggregate processing capacity of 1.24 Million barrels of oil per day.
+ Responsible for establishing the system for project quality, reporting, handling of technical queries and the coordination between client vendors and contractors for the effective expediting of the project.
+ Involved in the process of vendor selection, allotment of the EPC contractor, technology selection and bringing effective improvement in the process, quality and operational performance.
+ Approval of project quality procedures, formats, personnel selection, audits, surveys, system up-gradation and continual improvement – responsible for smooth functioning of the project.

Aug ’07 – May ’08 & Present: Working as a Project QA/QC Manager for the project of Saudi Aramco (SAP# 70008055) at Abqaiq, Shedgum & Uthmaniyah (with an additional responsibility of MR & Corporate QA/QC Manager for Imad Company for Trading & Contracting). Sulfur Recovery Phase-II, 1 Billion Saudi Riyal project for raising Sulfur recovery from 95.0 to 98.7%.

Role & Responsibilities:
• Develop, coordinate, issue & obtain approval for Quality Manual and Project Quality Plan including Work Procedures, ITP’s, etc.
• Maintain, review, evaluate and audit the effectiveness of the Quality Management System, ensuring on its CA/PA for continual improvements.
• Work output verification with respect to standards, specifications, and specific conditions.
• Identification, root cause analysis for non-conformance areas, initiate, recommend and substantiate CA/PA.
• Management reviews, Internal Audits, 2-Week Look Ahead schedule, reports & records.
• Maintaining project / construction work quality as per the cliental requirement, its verification and documentation as per the requirement of QMS, Schedule-Q, Project Quality Plan, Saudi Aramco Standards & International Standards.

• Secured ISO 9001:2000 Certification for Imad Company as a contractor for Construction in Civil, Mechanical, Piping, HVAC, Electrical, Instrumentation, NDT & all O&G plant related works – certified by Moody International.
• Successful representation to Saudi Aramco as a Lead Quality person to deal with project scope of work and cliental quality requirements which consists of approval of Project Quality Plan, approval of Key Personnel, approval of special processes,
approval of procurement process (PR, IAP, ITP, PIM, Waivers, etc).
• Smooth functioning of Project QA and QC, documentation and reporting system.
• Successful completion of three out of ten trains for bypass mode phase of the project.

Feb’04 – Jul ’07 & Present: Reliance Industries Ltd as a Regional Head Quality & Technical Services.

ABOUT RELIANCE: Petroleum Refinery, Supply & Distribution
Refinery at 815 km from Mumbai,
Largest industrial project ever in India,
Fully integrated manufacturing facility.
Refinery, aromatics, petrochemicals, power generation,
Port, terminals, pipeline network,
7500 Acres plant, 415 Acre Township,
25000 Cr (USD 6 billion), in less than 3 years,
Titanic project for its completion, 75000 workforce,
Round the clock, 19 Eiffel tower steel structure used,
10 empire estate cement used,
Length of power / control cables 14000 km,
Length of rods=170 km – LA to San Diego,
2500 Employees after commissioning
Worlds Largest Grass Roots Refinery Complex,
Naphtha based aromatics, propane based polymers,
Crude distillation (atmospheric + vacuum),
Catalytic cracking (fluidized catalytic cracker),
Catalytic reforming (plat-forming), Delayed coking
High proportion of high value products such as PP & LPG (adding over 10% on crude processed)
Nil production of low value black oils – fuel oil
Largest operating units in the world

Hydro desulphurization: UOP
Catalytic Reforming: UOP
Fluid Catalytic cracking: UOP
Delayed Coker: Foster Wheeler Inc
Sulphur Recovery: Black & Veatch Pritchard
Hydrogen Generation: Linde A G
Merox Treating: UOP
SHP/TAME: UOP (Selective Hydrogenation Process / Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether)

Refinery Expansion (Dec ‘2005 to Dec ‘2008)
270 billion US$, Jamnagar Export Refinery project to complete by mid 2008
Funding: 127.5 Billion debt combination,
112.5 equity capital
Margins are $3 higher than Singapore refineries
Least expensive refinery in the world, 40% lower than industry average
Third largest refinery in the world producing 660,000 barrels per day (BPD)
World# 1: Paraguana, Venezuela = 940,000 BPD
World# 2: SK Corp, South Korea = 871,000 BPD
Nelson’s complexity Index of 14 means “able to process heavier crude and achieve superior product specs” e.g. 10-ppm sulphur gasoline and diesel. This extra premium grade product would be exported to contribute gains.

Breakdown of capital investment (270 billion US$)
+ Deposits for land, utilities, infrastructure=USD 133 K Million
+ Construction cost USD 3641 Million
+ Technical Fees USD 887 Million
+ IDC & Pre-operating cost USD 694 Million
+ Contingency USD 433 Million
+ Margin money for working capital USD 212 Million

BSE+NSE: 108.40 USD Million
1988: 1778 Cr sales crossed
1993: 4000 Cr sales crossed
1996: Net profit 1065 Cr (338 USD Million)
1998: Total assets 35445 Cr
2000: Group profit 2500 Cr
2001: Gross Revenue 60160 Cr
2006: Gross Revenue 1,60,000 Cr
Crude Oil & NG: 30 domestic exploration blocks in 3,50,000 sq kms, refining, power, fertilizer,
petrochemicals and other industries

The Attainments (as a Regional Head Quality & Technical Services with S & D Division)
− Being a core team member involved in 270 Billion USD Refinery project as QMS, technical, technology consultant and auditor (worlds largest refinery project completed in record period of 36 months)
− Establishment of S&D Function – Site selection, erection, pre-commissioning, commissioning of terminal, four depots and about 250 retail outlets with facilities.
− Coordinated HSSE audit team, administration and ensured timely closure of records.
− Initiated awareness activities to increase HSSE related competency.
− Coordinated for overall implementation of HSSE policy and procedures for the terminals and associated depots.
− Developed typical SAP module (SD, MM, QM, & PM) for Oil Business Supply & Distribution function (team member at user side).
+ Secured ISO certification to S & D for receipt storage and dispatch of petroleum products from own terminals and bunkering to off shore rigs, barges and vessels.
+ Awarded "International Safety Award" by British Safety Council for the year 2005.Ensured adherence to IQCM requirements.
+ Achievement targets on operations, safety, and product quality maintenance.
+ Initiated Laboratory Set-up, Method Set-up, and support to Operation during pre- commissioning & commissioning activities.

Dec’99-Feb’04 & Present: Mahima Packaging Pvt Ltd (Film Mfg Set-up) as a Managing Director cum Consultant Technologist.

Sep’02-Feb’04 & Present: Arihant Polymoulds & Polymers Pvt Ltd (Printing, Pouching & Lamination Set-up), as a Director cum Consultant Technologist.

The Attainments
+ Achieved:
− Rs. 6 Million of turnover in the second year since start of business.
− Break-even point in the third years from business started.
+ Project of PE film line establishment – Technology selection, site selection, construction, erection, pre-commissioning, commissioning, trials and set-up.
+ Pivotal in developing Print Lam, Stretch Wrap & Shrink Wrap Films to the total customer satisfaction without any help from technology / agents.
+ Expanded the customer base to national level with distribution channels at metro-cities.
+ Widespread customer satisfaction due to Innovative Quality Product with Services.

Apr’96-Dec’99: Worked with Cosmo Films Ltd (15th Apr ‘1996 to 5th Dec ‘1999) as a Deputy Manager-Quality Assurance and Management Representative for QMS implementation.

The Attainments
+ Project QA/QC for the expansion of BOPP film lines construction, erection, pre- commissioning, commissioning, trials and set-up.
+ Introduced ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), which reduced cost of communication, manpower, Production.
+ Profitability boosted from negative to INR 80Lac to 2.8Million to 6.3Million in consecutive years.
+ Developed testing facility within plant for incoming goods, demarcation of goods receipt, calculating item wise lead period to maintain minimum inventory, auto-ordering via emails, monitoring this cycle on continuous basis up to Goods Issue Notes, Goods Receipt Notes, Issue, Payments, Stock, Purchase Requisition, Purchase Order, etc.
+ Acquired ISO certification in the second year.
+ Initiated development of new & innovative product & spreading of customer base.
+ Pivotal in reducing customer complaints increasing customer satisfaction index, realization and profit margin.
+ Enhanced product realization cost, declined production wastages.


Mar’93-Apr’96: Worked with Finolex Industries Ltd, a PVC Resin Petrochemical Project as a Senior Chemist-Quality Control. Involved in Project QA/QC during Construction, Erection, Pre-commissioning Commissioning, trials and set-up of petrochemical project (Ethylene to EDC-VCM-PVC). Further support as a QC function for day-to-day product base quality checks.

ABOUT FINOLEX Petrochemical Project, RATNAGIRI: 750 Acres, I phase

Plant Technology Commissioned in Capacity
CPP & Utility -- Jun ‘93 100 MW
VCM BF Goodrich Nov ‘93 180 KTA
S-PVC BF Goodrich Jan ‘94 150 KTA
E-PVC BF Goodrich Apr ‘94 30 KTA

Feb’90-Mar’93: Worked with Reliance Industries Ltd, a Petrochemical Project as Analyst- Quality Control. Commissioning experience of Ethylene to EG, EDC-VCM-PVC, PE for QC Lab Set-up. Involved in Project QA/QC during Construction, Erection, Pre-commissioning Commissioning, trials and set-up of petrochemical projects (1. Ethylene to MEG-DEG-TEG, 2. Ethylene to Polyethylene and 3. Ethylene to EDC-VCM-PVC). Further support as a QC function for day-to-day product base quality checks.

ABOUT RELIANCE, HAZIRA: 1000 Acres, I phase

Plant Technology Commissioned in Capacity
CPP & Utility -- May ‘91 60 MW
MEG Shell Sep ‘91 100 KTA
PVC Geon Dec ‘91 160 KTA
VCM Geon Apr ‘92 160 KTA
PE Du-Pont Jul ‘92 160 KTA

Jun’84-Jan’90: Worked with Garware Polyesters Ltd as a Chemist-Quality Control, also involved in the project of Heat Shrink Film.


• HSSE Management System & Case Workshop – Shell Global Solutions
• Risk Management – Shell Global Solutions
• Intensive Operations of Petroleum Products - 1 Week
• Creativity & Leadership - 3 Days
• Presentation & Communication Skills - 3 Days
• Executive Leadership - 1 week
• Management Development Program - 1 week


+ Post Graduation Certification from CIPET, India (for Polymer Technology) in 1990.
+ Bachelor of Science from Marathwada University, India in 1984.
+ Lead Auditor of ISO from VP Productivity & Quality Services, India in 1996 & SGS in 2008, IRCA registration to be done.


1. SAP R/3 Experience:
a) MM Module (Materials Management)
b) PM Module (Plant Maintenance)
c) QM Module (Quality Management)
d) SD Module (Sales and Distribution)

2. Software, Hardware, & Maintenance:
+ Software support (installation, training & trouble shooting): Antivirus, Spam, Broadband, Data Management, Networking & Security, Enterprise Software, ERP, Firewalls, GPRS, Instant Messaging, LAN, Lotus Notes, MS Office Suite, Wireless application, Lotus Suite, LIMS, MMS, etc.

+ Process & Systems: Applications, Change Management, Business Development, Communications, Hardware trouble shooting, ISO-9000, Windows-95, 98, 2000, 2003, NT, XP, Macintosh, etc.


Actual analytical mind as a hard core CHEMIST with hands on exposure to most sophisticated micro-processor based testing aids and reporting techniques, functional set up through vendor selection to making equipment available for routine analysis, method set-up, trouble shooting, etc. Worked for:

Garware Polyester Film Plant
Wet/Water analysis, analysis of Raw Material, In-Process Stream, Packaging Material & Final Product (6 Yrs)

Reliance Petrochemicals, Hazira (INDIA)
Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning, Lab/Method Set-up, calibration, trouble shooting & day to day analytical activities for Utilities, MEG, EDC/VCM, PVC, HDPE, and Central Lab (3 yrs)

Finolex PVC Resin Project (INDIA)
Individually Lab & Method set-up for Utilities, EDC/VCM, PVC & all activities with its regard (3 years), analytical supervision, reporting, manpower management, calibration, trouble shooting, etc

Cosmo (BOPP) Films (INDIA)
QC In-Charge (manpower management, calibration, trouble shooting, analytical supervision & reporting for Utilities, Raw
Material, In-Process Stream, Packaging Material & Final Product) & ISO Lead Auditor (4 years)

Reliance Petroleum S&D Operations (INDIA)
Lab set-up, Quality Compliance, ISO coordinator, Technical Services, handling of Customer Complaint for Eastern Region. Manpower management, calibration, trouble shooting, analytical supervision & reporting. Also exposed to analysis of petroleum products and process stream (4 years)

My Main Motivations at Work

Possesses knowledge specific to a technical, professional, or administrative field of work through the application of related procedures, principles, theories or concepts. Updates job knowledge and effectively utilize available resources and technology.

02) RESULTS ORIENTATION / ACCOUNTABILITY: Achieves job and Organizational success by demonstrating initiative and a focus toward predetermined objectives and by utilizing financial resources prudently. Balances and prioritizes efforts within the context of multiple and changing responsibilities while maintaining focus on commitments and priorities. Follows tasks through to completion, and takes ownership of the final outcomes.

03) DECISION MAKING / JUDGEMENT / PROBLEM SOLVING: Investigates, identifies and analyzes key issues and the associated alternatives, benefits and costs to develop practical solutions. Is creative and innovative when developing effective solutions and the ability to manage related risks. Identifies appropriate participants and the process required to facilitate a decision within established timeframes.

04) SERVICE FOCUS: Identifies and develops positive working relationships with internal and external clients that are built on trust and integrity. Solicits feedback and incorporates an accurate client perspective in all decisions and actions. Responds to the changing needs of the client while maintaining a high standard of quality.

05) COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Organizes and presents information, views and concepts in a concise, understandable and interesting format for a variety of audiences. Determines the most appropriate format and vehicle for delivering information (e.g. Oral, e-mail) to maximize audience understanding of both the message and its intent.

06) TEAMWORK / INTERPERSONAL SKILLS: Works cooperatively with others in the accomplishment of joint tasks and common objectives. Understands team dynamics, fosters collaboration, provides a tangible contribution and listens and responds to the input of others in a manner that creates an environment of mutual trust and respect.

07) ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS: Understands and interprets the internal and external forces affecting the job and the Organization. Encompasses the identification of new development, trends and the capability to plan and respond accordingly to these factors within the context of the position and strategic direction of the Organization.
INTERNAL: Organizational, policies, systems, structures and services, decision-making processes, and strategic direction.
EXTERNAL: Competitor activities, emerging community and client needs and relations, industry trends, government influences.

08) FLEXIBILITY AND ADAPTABILITY / CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT: Is open and receptive to change. Demonstrates a flexibility to shift priorities, incorporates new approaches or ideas in support of changing Organizational needs. Challenges the status quo, provides valuable input in change efforts, and continually looks for better ways of doing things.

09) INDIVIDUAL PLANNING: Organizes and plans own work to maximize use of time, avoids unnecessary effort, meets deadlines, or other productivity requirements. Includes the ability to handle multiple priorities or assignments, and to determine when it is necessary to involve others in order to meet work requirements

10) PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Develops and manages project plans in response to Organizational needs. Manages each phase of the project; identifies and resolves issues; achieves milestones; commits and manages appropriate resources; maintains forward momentum and achieves desired outcomes.

11) INFLUENCING SKILLS: Influences the decisions, actions or perceptions of others. Leads others towards particular outcomes or courses of action, being straight forward and honest in getting others to accept another point of view.

12) RELATIONSHIP BUILDING: Identifies, builds and maintains formal and informal networks and business relationships that are important to the achievement of job objectives. Develops contacts with other educational institutions, potential business partners, government, media, professional associations, client groups, stakeholders etc. And leverages these contacts to further the interests of the Organization.

13) PERSONAL AWARENESS AND EFFECTIVENESS: Recognize and understands own moods, sensitivities, biases and convictions and the affects these have on the employee’s approach to others individuals and situations. Considers the employee’s readiness to identify own shortcomings and work to enhance their overall personal effectiveness.

14) TEAM BUILDING / CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Builds effective teams by getting people to work together for a common purpose. Generates consensus through effective facilitation and mediations, resolves conflicts and identifies mutually satisfactory compromises.

15) MANAGING PEOPLE: Manages people to achieve maximum utilization, efficiency and productivity. Sets performance objectives, provides coaching and feedback, leads by example, identifies and follows through on training and career development needs.

16) PROCESS IMPROVEMENT: Plans, manages, and continually improves upon current processes, utilizes technological resources to the fullest extent possible to achieve maximum utilization, efficiency and productivity. (assumes flexibility/adaptability/continuous improvement competencies are also demonstrated)

17) CHANGE MANAGEMENT: Creates an environment that is open to and prepared for change. Identifies and overcomes resistance to change. (assumes flexibility/adaptability/continuous improvement competencies are also demonstrated)

18) FINANCIAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Develops financially sound business plans, establishes budgets and manages financial assets and resources within budget parameters.

19) STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP: Establishes directions, objectives and resource requirements needed to respond to Business needs and opportunities. Thinks strategically about longer term needs and the capabilities that must be in place to address these needs. (assumes influencing skills, relationship building, and individual planning competencies are also demonstrated)